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Felipe Pena Interview

Felipe Pena 2 Full Day intensive training camp has came to an end.  We had an amazing time, learning, improving and sharing, and I believe everyone who attended also have the same feeling.

世界級巴西柔術家 Felipe Pena 訪問.  Felipe Pena,綽號Preguiça,是世界頂尖的巴西柔術家,身為巴西柔術黑帶的他曾經獲取多名世界冠軍,日前他來到 4STRIPES 在香港舉辦的訓練營,武備志有幸訪問他,其中談及對香港的感覺和有關巴西柔術的內容.

Here is a great interview with Felipe Pena by Martialab (